Source Code

Holy Ghost Batting

Jerking it off in a church parking lot

Shane was Holy Ghost Batting, in the church parking, trying to get a semen sample after his vasectomy.

by JPL #2 October 23, 2022

Holy Fuck and a Half

An expression used when you are beyond pissed off and feel like punching a hole through everything you see and wanting to fucking explode.

Leroy: I just saw your girlfriend wearing some other guys sweatshirt.

Jenkins: holy fuck and a half, I'm going to fucking explode she annoys the living tits out of me

by Harrypotter292949 October 17, 2011

holy roman empire

a fucking confederation that somehow lasted a millennium. it died in 1806 to Napoleonic god. or eine verdammte KonfΓΆderation, die irgendwie ein Jahrtausend dauerte. es starb 1806 an den napoleonischen Gott.

Karl Von Habsburg: Man... Austria is part of the holy roman empire... hmmm... reform it.

by DuchyofLuxembourgHRE January 13, 2021

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

holy poop on a stick

You might say this in surprise, as in 'holy shit'

Holy poop on a stick!! The pope just died!

by box May 1, 2005

66πŸ‘ 16πŸ‘Ž

caught the holy ghost

Catching/ having caught the holy ghost/ spirit is a euphemism usually said by African American Baptists for then one gets so wrapped up in church service they begin to dance and sing as if you were possessed by the holy ghost, as seen in the example below

Child: " mama, what's Ms. Florida doing over there?"
Ms. Florida: *dancing but with soul*
Mother: "well it loos like she done caught the holy ghost! Go, Ms. Florida! Praise the lord!

by Phoenix Fire Truth January 29, 2021

14πŸ‘ 3πŸ‘Ž

College of the Holy Cross

Oldest Catholic college in New England, run by the Jesuits and has the highest academic rating (98) of any Catholic college in the nation as rated by the Princeton Review. Holy Cross is the top Catholic liberal arts college per US News & World Report rankings.

College of the Holy Cross has a well deserved reputation for being a lot of work.

by skinnydipping September 22, 2008

194πŸ‘ 61πŸ‘Ž

Holy Hand Grenade

The preferred weapon of God, set to exploded after 3 seconds (not 4, nor 2, 5 is way out), and always kills the target.

We have the Holy Hand Grenade!

by Extreme June 19, 2004

105πŸ‘ 33πŸ‘Ž