A song that my parents would sing to me when I was like 3 to get me to be quiet.
My dad: Ryan Ryan, why you crying? Ryan Ryan, sounds like you're dying. Ryan Ryan, change your butt now! Ding ding ding ding ding!
"Ope! Oops! I forgot 'Pride' is bad for a second!" Says Dr. Jordan Peterson.
Dr. JeepJorp (It's Jordan Peterson. Dr. JeepJorp is Jordan Peterson) "You're not going to be able to take pride in- Wait, no. Not pride..."
Hym "HA! That's thrice! The first time was that lecture where he first started using the audience plants. Remember? His ADVICE? The one with the cute brunette with the glasses who wanted to get into politics? Then it was TECHNIQUES! If you're using TECHNIQUES, then it's a lie... But one of the TECHNIQUES he uses is *LYING BLATANTLY AND FEINTING INCREDULITY* And last is PRIDE. The REAL AND ACTUALLY REASON Dr. JeepJorp is doing this. The REAL reason he won't come see Hidden Forbidden Garbage-Can... HIS PRIDE. This embarrasses him greatly because he said incels are incompetent and wrong and that people are stupid and useless but I am insanely competent, regularly correct, a genius with an unparalleled mind, and the highest achieving person in the history of humanity. I literally created ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE. He is LITERALLY the MOST WRONG PERSON WHO HAS EVER WRONGED. That is hilarious. This is hilarious. I'm not actually laughing right now though because, you know, I laughed when I saw the clip and that was like, a couple of day ago. But it's still funny."
This is a mantra to tell yourself of when things don't go the way you'd like them to with someone. Because if you were enough then things would be going the way you'd like them to.
As Danny sat waiting for a texted response that would never arrive from Nora, he appropriately coached himself out loud with "you're not enough."
And what is your study on an analogous topic going to accomplish other than your own aggrandizement, shit-for-brains? HA! *Long term he says! Ha!
Hym "Yeah, hey, I think you're deflecting to 2nd order motivational principles to detract from a pretty egregious violation of civil liberties in the vein of that E'carceration book. But what I've done is write something people are actually going to read and what I wrote isn't a derivative re-hashing of the same work-salesman talking points. I imagine this is intended to be analogous to a school shooting but that shit is YOUR fault, collectively. That's you not knowing when to let shit go. And if you would have let the trams shit go when I told you to, you'd have 7 extra Catholic kids running around WOULDN'T YOU MATT? And I'm not a fraud. People expect me to be bombastic or something but none of the characters based on me are that. Almost all of them are dispassionate or aloof. Which I am. Is being good at gas station work concordant with virtue? No. And everything I said was happening is happening. I don't know what you expect me to be but I guarantee you're going to expect (deliberately) something you know I'm not so you can cry fraud. But ONKY because I called your favorite psychologist a charlatan. Perpetual uno reverse out of spite but you can't actually think well enough to do anything else. That and YOU'RE the one watching it fuck-stick
"your" is possessive. You are is "you're"
"you're a fucknugget if you use your in place of you're." "Your mother is tied up in my basement, and the ransom is 6969696969. You're going to have to pay fast, or she dies."
Fir all those libertards who use the wrong your.
You see when someone says you're it means "you are" so when you say "Your cute" its diesnt make sense since your gay ass doesnt know english. Its like saying you awesome and you fine?. And if you did you're kids fine its saying "you are kids fine" like it fucking makes sense.
The grammar nazis are coming for you and will praise their leader hitler.
You're a cunt
Does your mom know that you failed english?
you're means you are.
your means it's yours.
Just saying
You're not from here are you? Your mother is.