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UNIC Intern

United Nations Information Center Intern. Title given to those who labor at a UNIC office without pay. Otherwise known as a highly capable, ambitious, and internationally-oriented individual with great aspirations to uphold the UN Charter and make the world a better place.

Is able to respond diplomatically to inquiries and visits by high-level dignitaries such as the UN Secretary General himself, as well as to nonsensical actors. Is also well-versed in the names and nationalities of all previous UN Secretary Generals, as well as the thousands of acronyms that characterize the vast UN system. Is also adept at engaging in social media and economy-enhancing activities without detection in the office.

Terms such as 'capacity building' and 'gender-based violence' are the daily parlance of the bonafide UNIC intern.

Layperson: Who's that man?
UNIC Intern: He's the SRSG for MONUSCO
Layperson: ....????
UNIC Intern: He's the Special Representative of the Secretary General for the U.N. Stabilization Misson in the Democratic Republic of Congo

by iamanonymous2010 July 20, 2010

khaled international school

shitty school with shitty teachers that dont give a fuck about the students their google maps reviews are fake as fuck๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€๐Ÿ’€ they dont care if you get bullied they give you tests everyday the canteen is expensive as shit my english teacher in grade 4 used to bully me kos o5to mr shawki

kos om khaled international school

by beheiwowiwiw22 December 22, 2021

International Explain-Joke day

On May 21, you can use any random fake shit you find on Urban Dictionary and sent it to someone as a joke. On May 22, you must explain the joke and the reason why you sent the Urban Dictionary definition.

*May 21*
Mark: Hey Lisa! It's national get a girlfriend day! Look at this screenshot from Urban Dictionary!

Lisa: Um.. I'm lesbian. I thought you knew that.

*May 22*
Lisa: Oh I get what you said yesterday! It's International Explain-Joke Day! This is the part where you explain that yesterday was a joke right? Thank god, I'm literally fucking lesbian you dumbass.

by overweightmilf May 21, 2021

Internal tail ticklin

An action in which you put an animals tail in your ass.

Damn, that was a real good Internal tail ticklin!

by BaconReh69 May 11, 2021

International Lock Toes Day

on the fourth of july lock toes with you best bud.

Hey Jess canโ€™t wait to lock toes later tomorrow on international lock toes day
Jess: yeah me to itโ€™s gonna be awesome

by Jdawg436 November 22, 2020

American International School of Bamako


Person 1: Do you know the school 'American International School of Bamako'?
Person 2: Yes! its a school, yolo

by urmomishotaf3746 May 9, 2022

Nist international school

New indian school of thailand.

I heard you go to Nist international school

by Studentwelfaremyass March 20, 2021