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Chick-Fil-A Nice

Used to describe someone who is unusually amiable, very friendly, pleasant to the extreme.

Namesake is the happy, helpful employees of the fast food eatery of the same name.

Chick-Fil-A Nicely, adv
Chick-Fil-A Niceness, n

"What did you think if that new guy Bob?"
"Yeah, he a good, good dude man. Real nice guy...I mean chick-fil-a nice."

by 01percursor May 3, 2013

Nice try, Samurai

When you are still unimpressed with someone’s best try, despite the fact that they did their best, but acknowledging that they did put their heart to it.

The expression is believed to have originated from an Italian immigrant in Malta in the early 21st century.

A guy tries all his slickest moves to get a hot girl to bed, but she’s not having it, so she says “nice try, Samurai

by dfnslvtr May 21, 2023

Nice guy 180

The point in a conversation where a nice guy, having been rejected by the object of his desires, drops the gentleman act and does a 180 on his attitude, revealing himself as the petty, entitled man-baby that he is.

"You are such a wonderful person. You deserve someone who will take care of you, serve your every need, and never hurt you. Will you do me the honor of allowing me to be that man?"

"Oh, that's sweet of you to say, but I'm just not interested."

"You stuck up bitch, I was doing you a favor pretending you're worth anything, and you think you're too good for me? 21st century women are all spoiled sluts. Get cancer and die."

"...annnd there's the nice guy 180."

by causticAnatomy July 14, 2018

Nice weather today

a way to say "let's switch subject", typically when the conversation is getting heated

"I hate her so much"
"Nice weather today"

by sised March 15, 2021


when someone accidentaly bumps into a guy called "Daichi", and then Daichi gets a concussion.
(in a volleyball game)


by KENMASIMP May 4, 2021

nice cut G

This means a man with a weird cut like a mullet. to where you want to touch it to see if its alive or not.

Nice cut G!! smack

by S K U L L September 18, 2020

13👍 8👎

Nice and Sunny day

Slur against emo's

Joe: Hey bob, nice and sunny day today huh

Bob the emo: Screw you...*cry*

by Sean Odell January 23, 2009

13👍 7👎