1. a "cool" kid who thinks its awesome to have a name like HotForRealz429
2. a person with a youtube account who only critizes other's videos
1. Eww on my User page LoveMeBaby001 says he wants to make out with me, what a youtube noob
2. That youtube noob commented how my video is "immature and crap-like"
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A phrase we use to tell off noobs in online games like Counter Strike, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, and Day of Defeat.
L33tLarry: Yo you have 2 kills and 120 deaths boxman!
Boxman: I dont know how to play this game!
L33tLarry: STFU NOOB!
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The art of using a rifle mounted grenade launcher. Commonly used in such video games as the Call of Duty franchise. This action in the gaming world is frowned upon by the more advanced gamers as it is most often used by "noobs" or gamers new to the game.
When playing Call of Duty; Modern Warfare 2 and you're on a decent kill streak and another gamer, of a lower rank, launches a grenade (via noob tube) in your general direction, without any sort of aim or skill, and kills you by sheer luck.
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'he couldnt beat me in call of duty'
'thats cos hes a gamer noob'
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Someone who plays Eliminate Pro and uses the prototype tanker armer and the rocket launcher. They are the most hated scum of eliminate pro and the biggest noobs of all ipod touch gaming. They tend to favor the rocket launcher and are very hard to kill.
" I got killed by a fucking tanker noob in elim,"
" Go buy the real armor you fucking tanker noob,"
" what a douchebag, that guy shot me with the rocket launcher what a tanker noob,"
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someone who is that bad at something they are the queen of all the other noobs
"did you see that guy on halo last night"
"yeh, he was a right queen of the noobs"
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a line of n00bs in a online mmo, such as World Of Warcraft, who all go to one high-leveled opponent, usually an annoying choob who think's he/she is all that, and teh pwn teh shit outta him/her.
last night on WoW, i saw a noob train of gnome's pwn a lvl 60
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