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A hyphenated word that employs the statement "Any day now," into a condensed expression.

With an impatient line of credit-card paying customers behind her, Sue Ellen fumbled for exact cash and change. The rude cashier rolled his eyes, snapped his fingers and exclaimed "Day-now, day-now... any day now!"

by Austin Smothers April 29, 2010

now yoga

a phrase where you need to relax after finishing a conversation or when you’re in deep utter shit and you’re trying not to panic.

ugh shes such a bitch”

anyways, now yoga 🧘 ♀️ “

by 3thooba October 20, 2020

Noooo I like that one gnomic in North I like that one now

(Predicate.) Smurf Smurf Smurf hours. Flirt flirt and this clerk clerk know you’re actually say were no purple socks Yolo. yo dumb

Her: OK so I have it I don’t know if I can Rambo. OK sucking cock is the most inconvenient thing in the entire world you see if I can psych. Like nobody should ever do that it’s smelly, stinky, and juicy wet cock being her bag.

Him: I would say the N-word. Noooo I like that one gnomic in North I like that one now

by KG&GB May 19, 2021

i could make a joke right now

When someone wants to make a dirty joke but doesn't say it and leaves it to the listeners imagination.

Arisa: *Eats a hotdog*

Reg: "I could make a joke right now."

by lemonpopeanuts March 28, 2023