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Black people

A race that is known for their kindness, strength, well being and the ONLY RACE that has so many things happen to them and still manage to survive. Black people should not be taken for granted, they are strong men and women, who today show that they can be better then any other race. Black people should be congratulated on the success they have had other the years. Look at all the well known names in our society today, there are many famous black people, better then White people. Black people are sterilised everyday by just the colour of their skin, and it's not a very nice thing not all black people are "frm the hood" or "eating fried chicken " but unfortunately some of us are. That doesn't mean to say that any other race can discriminate or be racist towards us! I'm a proud black women and I'm proud to be black They were once put down for and they are not going to be put down again, black people are rising!

White boy: Wow is that the president, I didn't realise he was a black man

Black girl: Yeah didn't you know. He is a proud black man too he embraces all aspects of his life to incorporate them into his job.

White boy: Really?? What's he planning to do

Black girl: He planning to stop racism and make it fairer for black people.

White boy: Ha in ur fucking dreams nigga!

by KFAx October 2, 2010

170๐Ÿ‘ 335๐Ÿ‘Ž

Gya People

People who act gay but really aren't, for attention and end up being a douche.

Look at Lance grabbing Nick's butt for attention, he must be one of those Gya People.

by Jake Scott July 31, 2006

10๐Ÿ‘ 9๐Ÿ‘Ž

Urban People

People who live in cities. Typically forward-thinking, educated, progressive individuals who are well versed in all things multicultural. Having grown up and lived their lives exposed to a wide variety of cultures, these people tend to be great listeners and love to be exposed to other ways of thinking.

Urban People do NOT enjoy traditional values as those values conform to a stationary mentality. Instead, they are progressive in all aspects of their lives. They wants to see the future be much different than the present (and MUCH different from the past) because they believe we, as a species, should be constantly learning from mistakes and progressing toward a more perfect tomorrow.

Typically disliked by rural conservatives.

โ€œWell, that state is going to vote blue because the amount of urban people outnumbers the amount of rural people.โ€

by saintOFsaints May 12, 2021

8๐Ÿ‘ 11๐Ÿ‘Ž

Mud People

1. A term describing people with a poop fetish
2. Those wankers from L4D2 that crawl around in the swamp levels.
3. A racist slang term for black people(rare).

"I'm going to hang out with Emily and Dave tonight, wanna come? No way dude, Emily and Dave are mud people."
"Son, you know that I don't want you hanging around them mud people."

by armageddon ham March 26, 2020

19๐Ÿ‘ 33๐Ÿ‘Ž

Sand People

Desert dwelling Americans. Their world is dust and wind. They fear technology, drive salvage titles and are distrustful of outsiders.

"Man, have you taken a Lyft in Chula Vista? They're all
Sand people!"

by Tuscan March 28, 2015

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white people

People who are constantly reminded that they need to feel guilty for existing because a small number of elite white people were assholes and treated everyone (including other white people) like animals and made a lot of money

White people are people like everyone else.

by jappyblah October 6, 2015

383๐Ÿ‘ 795๐Ÿ‘Ž

people of the root

Black people, or people of African descent. This term refers to the common presence of roots in many African tribes' diets, as well as the use of roots for medicinal purposes, which is common to many African tribes.

Guy 1: Hey, look, there's a person on the roof.
Guy 2: A person of the root?
Guy 1: No, he's not black.

by BootParty1488 January 12, 2005

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