Source Code

Phone Wave

When you wave to someone but have your phone in hand and it's kinda awkward to the person who received the wave.

When she looked up from her phone, she saw me and gave me a phone wave so I picked up my phone and phone waved her back.

by Licensed_Nerd July 28, 2019

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slave phone

Cheap smart phone with little storage-space (2 gigabytes or less), a screen that becomes invisible outdoors, and usually ends up on sale when it becomes discontinued due to all the bad reviews. Bought by cheapskates and the disenfranchised urban poor as an only alternative to owning a smartphone.

"Hey, looks like you got a new smart phone!"
"Yeah, I got so disgusted with that cheap slave phone that I smashed it on the ground and bought this iPhone!"

by panicoasis December 24, 2014

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Phone zone

When someone is incapable of hearing you because they are on their iPhone texting or looking at mindless websites

I was talking to Steve when all of a sudden he didnโ€™t hear a word I said, he was distracted by his iPhone , he was in the phone zone

by Tamkin cpa December 3, 2020

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What you call your phone when it's being a retard

"Aw stupid mc dumb-phone"

by Mali656 December 1, 2017

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Phone Herpes

Phone Herpes iswhen your phonejust turns off. The reason it is called phone herpes is because it spreads, once your friend's phone has it, its a matter of time before you have it.

F***ing Phone Herpes, I have to turn it on again!

by useacondomwhenitcomestophonese November 14, 2009

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phone pecker

A person who is constantly looking at and poking they're phone, no matter where they are, while not listening to someone while they are talking.

Stop being a phone pecker and listen to me.

Hey phone pecker how's your fingers?

Get ya beak out of ya 5S ya phone pecker.

by Jay Lebel June 19, 2014

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Phone Defense

To pull out your phone and aimlessly go through contacts, etc., when faced with passing strangers, as to not look like a friendless loser.

Relevant in the narcissistic, shallow age of status and plasticity, where people can't be alone or introverted without an excuse to appeal to socialites.

"I went to this show alone, and in between sets when other people were talking I used my phone defense."

by help. September 2, 2014

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