A normal man with a wrist personality. He likes to belly dances to. Bobby is a fat man to who likes using the looo
Oh my, Shes being like a Bobby today
Bobby is an Alpha male, loves his family more than anything else in the universe. Bobby can fix anything with his hands, his woman must be tough because he is very sarcastic, and a hard worker. Bobby's are very competitive and always come in first place, he is not a team player because he is too busy leading the team, everyone follows him because he is the best motivater, he has a secret soft spot that never shows not even to his closest companion. Overall Bobby is one of a kind.
Bobby is awsome
a man with a huge gyat.
Gayer than the gay people, makes him rlly str8
uwu i touched his bobby's gyat yesterday!!!
Very weird and listens to people making love. Also watches your fish die while masturbating. lol
A total jackass dude, that fucks over girls and manipulates them into falling for him and then breaks their heart. And is the worst dude there is and has a small dick, can’t even feel that shit so you fake all the moans just to make him feel better about himself.
Bobby is a douche bag
Bobby’s dick is so small you have to fake an orgasm.