Sexual practice where someone eats onion rings off of your erect penis.
Man, Lex got so wasted last night she she didn't want to wait for food OR sex so was Ring Dinging me through 3 full orders of onion rings. Best drunken sex night of my life bro!
When you take ten deep breaths in and out. You then stand up and someone farts when you take your first normal breath.
Damn Stanley you gave you gave me one ring ding meditation
Passing a cook/chill or microwave meal or meals off as something you created yourself.
Dave wanted to impress Fiona so served a candle lit Ding-Chef meal for two.
Ian: How was that new gastro-pub?
Adam: Crap man! It was an all Ding-Chef menu...
A roast used by middle school boys in the Midwest when someone is being dumb
Me:*puts up peace sign*
Guy bestie: with yo mada fada fing ding self
a person with the biggest pp
biggest ding dong award goes to egg/ grace
Australian slang for Methamphetamine, (although not a very widely used term). usually the gooier, more cut and less potent form of bikie speed is being referred to here.
Person 1: "hey, keen for some ding?"
Person 2: "der!"
Ding, derived from the word chav (chav- chaver -chaver ding- ding).
A tracksuit wearing cretin who roams the street in groups of 3 or more usually with a stolen bike. Often seen spitting or shouting. These species believe they are unbelievably hard and will attempt to start on you if you somehow gaze into their eyes for longer than 2 seconds.
Warning- never bring up their mother or cousin
Look out Dave those dings are watching you
Woah Conner you're becoming a right dingy