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Don Williams

Don Williams is the best man on this planet that will help you get a 5 on the AP Bible Studies test. He is the only man who can teach you the right way and get a 3 or higher. Other people claim that they're better but have never passed one of their students. Don is also sacred to the Media Center and will only allow people to enter if they have a pass.

Joe: Bro, how did you get a 5 on the AP Bible Studies test?
Brad: I had the lucky opportunity to study with Don Williams.
Joe: Man... I wish I had him.

by Ice_cube_56 June 12, 2018

dominic williams

A Dominic Williams is a wierd sloth like creature as a kid and gose through a lot of phases as a teen they grow up to be very handsome they have little social life and are very rarely not single they don’t have many friends and rarely make friends but they are the best type of friends that you will fight with and and make up and fight with again it goes on an on but you always end up friends not many people like them there names are made fun off such as domad*ck and loads of other things but they don’t mind it most the time but they do mind the other they mostly are angry and try to annoy every other person who calls them the name they hold grudges for life they can be very calm and very angry just don’t get on there bad side :)

Dominic Williams are wierd

by Hgsvm January 30, 2018

swagger william

Considered a god amongst people with the strength greater than the hulk

Swagger william is not a name to use in vein.

by Ajewnamedmatthew February 19, 2018

Aaron Williams

A bitch ass nigga who pulls no females and had a lil meat

Look it’s Aaron Williams

by Jouften June 13, 2018

William Bonfiglio

A youtuber that is depressed

William Bonfiglio is hot

by SupMotherfucker October 27, 2020

William Heier

A sexy person with a extreme sized penis. This person are som hot even the girls go hard. WOW, William Heier is amazing

Wow i wish i had a wiener like William Heier

by Daddypapifarendin June 21, 2022

William bodor

A fat dumb shrek cum looking nigger

chris: hey have you heard of william bodor the new kid
steve: yeah he is a nigger

by Hello jdh November 10, 2018