Spend money like your wealthy (like a ball player) until you have exhausted all your funds
Tonight you gonna hit the club and ball out till you fall out.
Adv. A superlative adverb that usually employed in colloquial discourse when expressing exasperation or frustration with a condition or experience.
Dude, it’s balls-ass hot outside.
Man, his girl is balls-ass ugly.
A tiny plastic ball you shoot out of a nerf like gun :)
"Yo you got and orange small balls? im out!" Yeah i got some!"
a name used by players on a roblox game called adopt me that they put on their owl.\
caca ball = shit ball
poop ball
When u sitting in a car and u look over and ur nuts are stuck in a bag of cut off forskin
Eww you got cunt balls bro
It is when your balls are so small that they are actually inside out. When the micro astronomical inseminators get turned inside out they actually become extremely short and fat making it a choderized ball.
Bro that asian has choderized balls (asians are the most likely to have choderized balls)
When a man is getting into his car and his nut sack shifts while sitting thereby getting squashed under a thigh & the car seat.
Dude, my boxers were so lose that I got the worse case of car balls yesterday.