When you jog and the fat on your thighs and butt jiggle which causes a slight burning sensation.
Bro, I've got some serious jiggle burn after that jog.
When you jog and the fat on your thighs and butt jiggle which causes a slight burning sensation.
Bro, I've got some serious jiggle burn after that jog.
A sex move where you put a lighter next to your dick, then you jizz through the flame onto your partner's chest.
Dude, I just gave Carla a Burning Snowblower last night. It was awesome, even though I burned the tip of my dick.
The result of sitting on the toilet with a hot laptop computer on your lap for too long.
Jenny's constipation and insatiable need to chat on Facebook caused her serious iThigh Burn while she was on the toilet this morning.
the strip of hair that grows on the upper part of a man's (hopefully) inner leg.
Whenever I manscape, I don't know where to stop shaving because my thighed burns came in thicker than Jamie Presley's hill billy accent.
A sunburn on your legs after wearing ripped jeans in the summer
"Omg Stacy, check out Jessica's thot burn!"
To “burn the garf” is to mess up badly. A big screw up.
Person 1: “I can’t believe you forgot to bring your passport on the trip!”
Person 2: “Yeah I really burned the garf on that one!
Person 1: yeah well don’t burn the garf again!