The clean version of the word ass.
The less rude version of ass
The polite way to say ass
Yeah that kid Sam is such an arse
Before you call someone a dumb american its how us Irish people say ass.
"There's a needle in my arse" - Jacksepticeye
"You fucking arsehole"
You know an Aidan Stainthorpe when you see one. Ugly guys with no arses.
A Narcissist with no arse/ass/buns/buttocks/Derriere ... this condition is normally accompanied by a sister disorder where they dislike Ski holidays, democracy and moving home. Sometimes spotted on Call of Duty: Warzone, when not making themselves the centre of attention at wedding number 12 of the year. Ironically, where their complete lack of arse is laid bare for all to see.
that Ruaraidh is such a Nae-arse-acist
One of worst type of person you could encounter , worse than an typical arse hole, worse than a cunt, more spastic than an oncock. Simply worst of the worst
Have a look at oncock, hanging off every cunts cock thinking he'll get some where real fast what a fucking arse hole cunt.