Awesome and handsome at the same time. Laughs for no reason his a player,heart breaker and smoker likes blueface and minecraft
Lil bee is awesome
Awesome but attractive at the same time likes laughing for no reason and hates gay people
Lil bee is a cool dude
It will take what feels like days to figure out any of the words that have to be more than four letters
Hey I think i see a word, (We're on the spelling bee site by the NY Post)
No its been rejected it needs more than four letters.
FFS, lets get wordling instead, or forget all of this and go for a hike.
Has a big dick and is a bee
I got molested by a big dick bee
Please help me im in severe pain!!
Someone bee pupuchupa cheepa chupoo.
When said aloud, it acts as an alternate spelling to "S. O. B." Which is short for "Son Of a Bitch."
OMG did u hear wat that guy sed? He's such a stupid eh so bee!!