Elli is often used as a female Name or as a shortcut of Elisabeth or Elizabeth.
Elli is known for her energetic personality she loves to go out and do things. She loves animals and Baby's and they love her too, its easy for her to form connections between individuals.
Most likely due to her open, smart and catching personality.
Elli is a traveler she always wants to learn new exiting things and see everything the world has to offer, so be grateful if she decides to stick with you.
Treat an Elli well and she will make you the happiest person on planet earth.
Elli looks stunning.
Elli wants to visit Greece.
Elli eats Sushi.
Elli likes Flowers.
Elli loves Christmas.
Elli's Birthday is on the 8th
An Elli is a girl everyone likes; you can’t be mean to an Elli because she’s so wonderfully sweet, so if you are, it’s because you’re salty.
She appears to be shy at first, but once you get to know her she gradually reveals an undeniably likeable, vibrant and relaxed personality which is very easy to be around. An Elli doesn’t really get offended; she loves a good joke and can give as good as she gets, as she is quite humorous herself.
Elli may not be the “popular girl” but only because she keeps to herself. If she’s at a crowded event, you can usually find her in the corner quite comfortable alone, probably waiting to go home and probably wishing she could be outside photographing nature instead.
She is very delicate and doesn’t often share her thoughts which can be somewhat disappointing for those who want to hear everything she has to say. If she likes you, you’re the luckiest person in the world; but God help you, because she’ll write all her thoughts and feelings down and never tell you.
Because of her soft and sweet nature, the way you’re inclined to treat an Elli is as if you’re cradling a small bird, but inside she actually has a naughty streak and can surprisingly take control.
Her company is like apple pie and custard: warm, simple, comforting, uncomplicated, and the last thing you want before sleeping. If you have her every day, you’ll still want seconds, and if one day you don’t have her, another dessert won’t do as a substitute.
She is different different.
Person 1: “Wait, you don’t know an Elli?!”
Person 2: “No, I guess I’m unlucky!”
An Elli is a girl everyone likes; you can’t be mean to an Elli because she’s so wonderfully sweet, so if you are, it’s because you’re salty.
She appears to be shy at first, but once you get to know her she gradually reveals an undeniably likeable, vibrant and relaxed personality which is very easy to be around. An Elli doesn’t really get offended; she loves a good joke and can give as good as she gets, as she is quite humorous herself.
Elli may not be the “popular girl” but only because she keeps to herself. If she’s at a crowded event, you can usually find her in the corner quite comfortable alone, probably waiting to go home and probably wishing she could be outside photographing nature instead.
She is very delicate and doesn’t often share her thoughts which can be somewhat disappointing for those who want to hear everything she has to say. If she likes you, you’re the luckiest person in the world; but God help you, because she’ll write all her thoughts and feelings down and never tell you.
Because of her soft and sweet nature, the way you’re inclined to treat an Elli is as if you’re cradling a small bird, but inside she actually has a naughty streak and can surprisingly take control.
Her company is like apple pie and custard: warm, simple, comforting, uncomplicated, and the last thing you want before sleeping. If you have her every day, you’ll still want seconds, and if one day you don’t have her, another dessert won’t do as a substitute.
She is different different.
Person 1: “Wait, you don’t know an Elli?!”
Person 2: “No, I guess I’m unlucky!”
An Elli is a girl everyone likes; you can’t be mean to an Elli because she’s so wonderfully sweet, so if you are, it’s because you’re salty.
She appears to be shy at first, but once you get to know her she gradually reveals an undeniably likeable, vibrant and relaxed personality which is very easy to be around. An Elli doesn’t really get offended; she loves a good joke and can give as good as she gets, as she is quite humorous herself.
Elli may not be the “popular girl” but only because she keeps to herself. If she’s at a crowded event, you can usually find her in the corner quite comfortable alone, probably waiting to go home and probably wishing she could be outside photographing nature instead.
She is very delicate and doesn’t often share her thoughts which can be somewhat disappointing for those who want to hear everything she has to say. If she likes you, you’re the luckiest person in the world; but God help you, because she’ll write all her thoughts and feelings down and never tell you.
Because of her soft and sweet nature, the way you’re inclined to treat an Elli is as if you’re cradling a small bird, but inside she actually has a naughty streak and can surprisingly take control.
Her company is like apple pie and custard: warm, simple, comforting, uncomplicated, and the last thing you want before sleeping. If you have her every day, you’ll still want seconds, and if one day you don’t have her, another dessert won’t do as a substitute.
She is different different.
Person 1: “Wait, you don’t know an Elli?!”
Person 2: “No, I guess I’m unlucky!”
Ellis is a short person. Often compared to a flea he is easily intimidated by those who call him out on this.
Your such an Ellis man.