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The game that’ll urge you to keep on stealing your mums debit card and soon go bank rupt.

Ya boi just went Fortnite.

by Ching Chong get binged on July 20, 2018

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A game that most obese children ages 8-16 play 24/7.

kid: "wanna play fortnite Jimmy?"
Jimmy: "lol sure but let's go down to your mom's basement to play it"

by REAL LIFE NORMIEβ„’ December 12, 2018

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A game played by virgins

You play fortnite omg you’re such a virgin

by Faggot_boi 6 March 4, 2018

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A dope ass game

Kid 1: Wanna play Fortnite?
Kid 2: Hell ya!

by ESDUBAYY 38 March 25, 2018

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Needs no definition.....its kinda getting old though

Jake: yo man lets play some Fortnite and squad up!

Mike: nah bruh, that game so ancient.

by XxBig MacxX August 8, 2018

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A game that common virgins play and that spam their Snapchat with " #1 Victory Royal "

" * Posts on snap * BRO ESSSSGETIIIIIIIII"
Fortnite is basically a virgins game

by AverageVirgin March 30, 2018

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An infectious disease that targets children.

He dude, where’s Jimmy? Oh Jimmy, he has Fortnite. Oh, poor guy.

by SuperMaanas November 11, 2018

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