Brian: Hey did you hear? Heather dropped her new iPhone X and the back of it is cracked to shit! She has to pay an extra $600 to make an insurance claim to get it replaced. It happened right after she spent all that money on those airports since it had no headphone jack!
Michael: That's what happens when you buy a fucking hipster phone!
Claiming to know about something or someone "before it was cool" and before everyone else, making it "yours" or "your thing"
A)"Wow, I love this new band Imagine Dragons!"
"Hipster Dibs bro, I've been listening to them since before their album came out in 2012"
B)"I totally started wearing Chacos my sophomore year before everyone else "
"Nahh, hipster dibs. I got my first pair in seventh grade"
The idiot hipster believes that a band that has a fan base can't be a good band and prefers a band that sells NO albums because it proves to the idiot hipster that the band has too much integrity to sell out.
In a workplace, social circle, or any group, there is sometimes one member defined as the "token hipster". That person might not qualify as a genuine hipster, but in the context of the group he/she is defined as the "most hipster". It will depend on the overall hipster-level of the group; in a group of full-throttle hipsters, no one is going to be seen as a token hipster, rather the group dynamic will have acknowledged that one person is in fact the "alpha-hipster". In a group where there are no members seen or defined as a hipster, the person who possesses the most hipster-specific traits will be seen as the "token hipster".
Michelle is seen as the group's token hipster because she makes her own soap and her boyfriend has a long beard.
Person or persons from New Orleans, that typically smells like canal water, looks like a Portland liberal, and acts like the coolest Alaskan pot smoker.
I was at Pepp's and ran into the smelliest bunch of bywater hipsters. It was an amazing experience.
University of Ottawa in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. This University is known for being oversaturated by Hipsters and other indie subcultures. The hipster credit of this university is emphasized by it's ever-popular "Café Alt," which is in the basement of the school and is known for it's variety of grilled cheese sandwiches, as well as the school mascot, the "Gee-Gee," a horse racing term you probably have never heard of.
Ted: "Man, a bunch of guys in tight colored denim were just going off about American Apparel and Café Alt"
Steve: "They must go to Hipster University"
Someone who says they had Covid-19 pre-pandemic. Whether or not they actually did is not clear.
Tom won't stop talking about the cold he couldn't shake entirety of November in 2019. He is such a Covid Hipster.