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Camping's Law

Named after Harold Camping, deceased evangelist and radio host. Camping's Law refers to the act of predicting an event and then pushing back the date perpetually until the event actually happens, proving you right.

The world didn't end in 2011, as predicted, so the date was pushed back to 2012. Camping's Law in effect.

by Jomali January 12, 2015

The Law of Pho

The blessed event of a girlfriend who acknowledges you are not feeling well and, despite being menstrual as all hell, brings over pho take out anyway. And maybe even sucks your dick with her onion breath- known as "getting extra meat". A swallow is known as "slurping the leftover broth".

I found her man. I found her. It's The Law of Pho for real. Complete with Extra Meat ! And she slurped the leftover broth!

by The Mumbling Manchildren December 1, 2017

law of reinforcement

for every person of an ethnic background who does not fit into a stereotype of said ethnic background, there is (are) an individual(s) who will reinforce said stereotype.

"Why is it that for ever mexican/spanish person trying to not be the ghetto cliche, there is an apartment complex full of them reinforcing it?" - Guy one

"It's the law of reinforcement." - Guy two

by amirverada April 2, 2011


The woman who doesn’t come to your wedding because she has more important things to do, yet expects you to pay for half of her wedding and will upend the entire family unless she gets her way. She is usually supported by your mother-in-law who somehow always takes her side in every possible argument.

Your sister-in-law thinks she’s entitled to you paying for half her wedding yet she has the audacity to not even come to your wedding.

by Xxxxxxxxfanboyxxxxxxxxxx November 14, 2020

Nermal’s Law

Allows you to find the answer to any question by simply dividing the correct answer with your answer. The number received is Nerm’s Inconstant. You then use the Nerm’s Inconstant to multiply your answer to find the correct answer.

Oh you can’t find the answer? Use Nermal’s Law!”

by Big brain boiiiii November 9, 2020

Stephen's Law

If a nervous high school artist likes a girl, she will always have another suitor. This other suitor is most often a douche and will treat her poorly. While this Law makes for great art, it does not make for good times.

Steve: Hey, bro, you see that girl over there?

Bro: The blonde? Yeah.

Steve: I'm gonna ask her out!

Bro: I wouldn't. She's into Chad, the football star.

Steve: Fuckin' Stephen's Law, bro. Guess I'll go write a song about it.

by Savage Hunter December 22, 2011

Blogger's Law

Blogger's Law: as soon as you finally post something, glaring errors will appear.

A derivative of Murphy's Law, the Blogger's law accounts for the inevitability of everything necessary for a sensible online publication going wrong nanoseconds after publishing something on the internet. In spite of all human and machine-assisted efforts to proofread and edit, mistakes and glaring errors will happen for all to see.

Aspiring writer: I finally published our latest blog post!
Editor: I'm not thrilled, did you account for the Blogger's Law?
Suddenly unemployed online writer: $%&#!?! I swear the headline had no typos before I hit publish!

by Trust me, I internetted once. August 1, 2017