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Internet week

1. a period of time, be it a week or more, involving no sexual activity except for ahem.. the internet, ie. porn
2. the promise of an internet week, also used as an excuse to get out of said sexual activity, usually using an excuse such as work

I'm sorry, but it's going to be an internet week, things are really busy at work. Sorry.

by ontobetterthings February 6, 2010

Dying on the Internet

also abbreviated as doti.
tfw You're just sitting at your screen with nothing to do except drift off listening to music.

Person 1: Hey, what're you doing?

Person 2: Idk, Just Dying on the Internet.

by japanesque October 26, 2019

Internet Rectangle

A smartphone. So called because it is rectangular, and its main function is to provide instantaneous access to the Internet.

Why are you asking me for directions? Don't you have an Internet rectangle?

by vorpalbla December 11, 2016

Internet Pulp

Cheaply produced Internet content created solely for financial gain. Heavy with SEO terms, the writing is usually salacious, purposely withholding crucial information so as to generate controversy, and causing the subject matter to appear unresolved. Typically, Internet Pulp appears on webpages with an excessive amount of advertising.

I guess there is money to be had as a content creator, if you know how to write Internet Pulp.

by The Homeless Guy September 22, 2014

Internet Shit

When people on the internet completely change something to fit there point of view because they know that most people believe anything they read on the internet. such as a Christian saying that all atheist are evil devil worshipers or when atheist say that all christians are crazy redneck republicans.

democrat: Don't vote Republican they invented aids.

idiot: oh shit man i didnt know that ill stay away from that.

idiots friend: naw man dont believe that, its just internet shit!

Republican: Don't vote Democrat they forcew you to be there slaves!

idiot: oh shit man i didnt know that ill stay away from that.

idiots friend: naw man dont believe that, its just internet shit!

by blackstookmybike March 8, 2012

Internet Hybrid

Someone who is a Jack of all trades, master of none on the net.

It is completely neutral and takes no sides.

It takes the grey area or creates it.

It is the most reliable entity to talk to with no bias.

Hey Internet Hybrid do you like {Insert anything}?

<>"Yes. "

by All of the above? December 15, 2018

Internet Hangover

When you wake up at 75 and realise you've wasted your entire life caring about other peoples problems, online!

Hello world!

(internet hangover)

by Dr. Tardlord January 25, 2016