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byby karen

when your wife karen takes the kids and eats them and then she drives away but you also rigged her brakes so she couldn't stop.

byby karen by you gone.

by my best December 13, 2019

3πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Crosswalk Karen

A woman who is usually wound super tight. High strung. Short tempered and thinks most people are beneath her. Always thinks she is right and is racist. Tends to be a republican and is probably related to someone named Becky who calls the police on black people.

"Crosswalk Karen is really heated. She will lose her shit on you for roadway violations!"

by Reginaphlange May 8, 2020

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

karen took the kids

When ur a divorced dad and ur wife (Karen) took the kids

Karen took the kids is aka karen took the fucking kids

Just please don't let this happen to you

You: Hey Babe!
Karen: I'm taking the kids
You: W-wha?
Karen: Goodbye (Ur name)
You: Can I at least see them on Christmas, Karen please!

Friend: What's up man?
You: Karen took the kids.
Friend: Damn...

by Queen_Messo March 8, 2019

185πŸ‘ 4πŸ‘Ž

Pulling a Karen

to have a romantic relationship with your best friends former romantic partner. While the best friends are residing in the same residence.

Becky is being such a bitch, i cant believe shes pulling a Karen.

by MarcAssBitch April 8, 2011

2πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

kidz bop karen

Kidz Bop Karen is the online nickname given to a woman who left her car and accosted a Lyft driver after he cut her off in traffic. The confrontation was filmed by the Lyft driver's passenger, who told "Karen" that she was setting a poor example for her children in her car. "Karen" replied that her kids couldn't hear her because "they're listening to Kidz Bop." The video and the "Kidz Bop" quote spread in memes after the video was posted in November of 2019.

Me: "Calling me a bitch and standing in traffic isn't helping!"
Karen: "My kids can't hear me calling you a bitch because they're listening to Kidz Bop!"
Internet: "Wow look at Kidz Bop Karen over here lmao!"

by joeslinky112001 November 5, 2019

53πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

Respect the drip, Karen

A tik tok reference, that refers to someone wearing a outfit of choice (normally strange outfit) and complaining about how they cannot wear it out. Therefore telling Karen to respect the drip (drip meaning outfit or style)

I can’t believe she won’t let me wear this outfit

Like respect the drip, karen

by HeylookmomImadeit August 14, 2019

698πŸ‘ 48πŸ‘Ž

Karen took the kids

A phrase commonly found in memes implying that someone’s wife claimed the children in a divorce. Often, memes of this subject will have the text β€œWhen Karen takes the kids” or something similar followed by a reaction image.

Person 1: What’s wrong, bro?
Person 2: Karen took the kids.
Person 1: Bro, that sucks.

by Idc48374927 October 31, 2019

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