Source Code

Skin Beard

The scrotum, as it is stretched tightly across another person's chin, is known as a skin beard

Dude #1: "Hey, I saw a porno where a guy totally gave a girl a skin beard!"

Dude #2: "You mean he stretched his scrotum tightly across her chin?"

Dude #1: "Yes. What are you, Definition Man?"

by texfarmer February 12, 2011

2๐Ÿ‘ 4๐Ÿ‘Ž

The bearded witch

A sexual technique used by a male: A guy picks up a girl and goes back to hers. Whilst the lady is 'preparing herself' in the bathroom, the guy cuts off his pubic hair and leaves them in a pile near the bed. As sexual interaction is reaching the climax, the guys pulls out and ejaculates all over the girls face, picks up the pile of pubes, rubs them over her face and there in front of him the girls transforms into the bearded witch....

Tim didn't want to, but a bet was a bet. He took Louisa back to her place with the expressed intention of getting a picture of her as The bearded witch ...

by T Allen October 4, 2006

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anal beard

a beard that sprouts from ones anus

dude,is that an anal beard hang outa your anus?

by henroy and jam-es September 28, 2007

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Neck Beard

A womans vagina worn on your neck while tossing her salad.

That bitch is kinky she made me wear the neck beard.

by L-Town September 5, 2006

42๐Ÿ‘ 232๐Ÿ‘Ž

weird beard

a female with a beard

Man she is one weird beard

by gorilla-man October 22, 2003

8๐Ÿ‘ 35๐Ÿ‘Ž

Beard Petting

While in the process of the Eiffel Tower, (can only be done when the two males are best friends, otherwise is considered gay) the male railing the vag lowers his hand down, and caresses the other males face/beard. Not long after this, the male pumping the bitches face reaches down with the opposite hand, and soflty pets the railers face/beard. Thus completing the circle . . . The pumper then finishes with a pearl necklace, and video tapes the railer completing a fake punt. After the bitch is kicked out of the house, both males will high five, and follow with a "No Homo."

Male 1: Haha, i can't believe we Eiffel Towered that bitch last night.

Male 2: I know right! It's pretty funny that we threw the Beard Petting in there too.

Male 1: Yeah, she never even knew . . . No Homo right?

Male 2: Oh, yeah man, definitely No Homo.

by WuuM December 4, 2010

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bearded clegg

snatch, beaver, mouse's ear

show us ya bidded clegg

by cunning linguist October 20, 2003

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