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chill wheel

when a mans game so tight his lady says chill but eventually wheels him and her back to his place for sex chill wheel

braxton came on to julie a little strong but later that night braxton has to tell julie thanks for the chill wheel

by bigdabs420707 December 6, 2018

bingo and chill

Is the form of "sex" between to elder people in a bingo session

Oh did u see Shannon bingo and chill with robert

by bro sky November 26, 2015

netflix and chill

to watch harry potter and eat ramen.

Q: What’s your tip for staying at home?
JW: Netflix and chill.
DY: I called Jungwoo on Christmas... he was having instant noodles & watching Harry Potter.

by summer’s hottest guys December 27, 2021

Netflix and chill

The phrase you wished you knew the definition of earlier

“Hey want to Netflix and chill
“Dude no I’m not gay
“Huh I’m just asking if you want to watch Netflix
“You know what Netflix and chill means right”

by Naniladlord October 9, 2020

Netflix and chill

human: shut the fuck up

i said shut up

Netflix and chill

by some kid took my name October 30, 2019

netflix and chill

when you and your boyfriend/girlfriend wanna come over and fuck but you dont want other people knowing

“hey babe, wanna netflix and chill?”

“sure, but why did u say it like that?”

“my moms here ;)”

by rootbeerwoman June 24, 2020

Chill Time

A chill get together at a house in the woods on a hill, usually in the summer. Not quite a grogery. Activities include Rolling Rock, beer pong, music, having all who drank throw up, Rolling Rock, Satanism, Rolling Rock, homemade pizza, Rolling Rock and a little bit of Blue Moon. It is often followed by a cold, quiet morning of being in the house without the owner present, defecating, and getting woken up for no reason.

Chill Friend 1: Hey you gonna drink some Rolling Rock and have a chill time tonight?

Chill Friend 2: Abyssus byssum invocat, amen.

Chill Friend 3: I'm leaving.

by horse3000 June 16, 2012