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Noooo I like that one gnomic in North I like that one now

(Predicate.) Smurf Smurf Smurf hours. Flirt flirt and this clerk clerk know you’re actually say were no purple socks Yolo. yo dumb

Her: OK so I have it I don’t know if I can Rambo. OK sucking cock is the most inconvenient thing in the entire world you see if I can psych. Like nobody should ever do that it’s smelly, stinky, and juicy wet cock being her bag.

Him: I would say the N-word. Noooo I like that one gnomic in North I like that one now

by KG&GB May 19, 2021

i could make a joke right now

When someone wants to make a dirty joke but doesn't say it and leaves it to the listeners imagination.

Arisa: *Eats a hotdog*

Reg: "I could make a joke right now."

by lemonpopeanuts March 28, 2023


Another word for a friendly ghost - the departed soul of someone you lived with and loved very dearly

"I so, so wish I had a hotline to my now-angel, so as to ask her where the hell she put that thing before she died two years ago. So frustrating, because it used to live in one place only, but it's not there now!"

by mimbijones April 7, 2023