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The G Spot

"Where all the gamers hang out." - Noelle Miller

Noelle Miller- Oh The G Spot

Cody Ko- Where is that?

Noelle Miller- oh thats where all the all the gamers hang out

by YouSugarGayDude? May 28, 2021

wide spot

An area off of the side of the road, that is the biggest area to pull over to.

Can you pull over to the wide spot, if you need to use your cellphone.

by liveforgiving May 20, 2021

Hitting That Spot

Hitting another mans spot, ass, bootyhole
Dominating him in a game, or sport

Mannn.... you totally hitting that spot!

You just hit his spot bro!

by Kino Minaj March 7, 2024

spotted butterfly

Derrick Tule,

Floats down the road without a care in the air,
Goes where the wind blows,
Paid by the hour

He was driving down the road like a spotted butterfly. 45mph in a 60mph zone!

by Drethmel July 23, 2021

spot on

'spot on' means that a statement is completely wrong/incorrect

'Simon is spot on about being useful'

by RubberDuck2022 January 12, 2022

Spot on

He spoke genius just there

Hym "Says the commenter under Russell the alleged little girl rapist Brand's short. It's SPOT ON! But he stole it from Urban Dictionary from someone who isn't pretending to be a genius and didn't rape a little girl!"

by Hym Iam February 3, 2025


When you’re making out with a Karen at a music festival, and she takes you to the nearest johnny-on-the-spot to have sex, only to leave you standing there, blue balled, questioning your life decisions.

I thought for sure I was getting laid at the concert tonight, but this chick pulled a Karen-on-the-spot on me.

by Mypseudonympho August 18, 2022