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Crappy Pizza

Crappy pizza is a pizza that tastes like shit.

Damn this is crappy pizza.

by Kitkattime22 November 21, 2018

Pinnapple Pizza

Italians worst nightmare

Tiktokker : Pinnapple pizza is god


by Usernameeee May 21, 2022

Pizza Stan

An unspeakable word with an unknown origin. All that is know is that it is the worst word in the English dictionary said person who says or expresses such word will be shunned from any religion tribe or group that said person is part of.

You smell like Pizza Stan

by Carson Pace June 4, 2021

Council Pizza

Cheese on toast is affectionately known as Council Pizza cheese on toast

I'm a bit skint this week love, shall we have council pizza for tea?
or l love a bit of Worcester on me Council Pizza.

by Jonny Wise July 27, 2018

Pizza scarf

Something only pizza delivery driving losers wear hoping to score better tips.

Look at that girl wearing that Pizza scarf. The only tip she's going to get it to take it off.

by ch1bz January 27, 2017

Pizza Burl

Similar to a tree burl, a large protrusion typically from the middle of a pizza slice to the crust. A pizza burl often makes a slice undesirable as the portion covered by the burl has no sauce or cheese.

Bro, you said there was a slice left in the box, but that slice has a pizza burl on it, no one wants that dry air pocket slice with no cheese!

by SeanCognito September 9, 2022

Scrubbing the Pizza

1) The state of being at the epitome of suckage.

2) Generally being awful, terrible, bad etc. at anything.

Paul: Dude, you are so totally scrubbing the pizza right now.

Chad: I know. I just got my sorry ass killed like 10 times in a row.

by Donneroo October 20, 2010