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Taylor Aydelotte

The Ultimate Man, the Chad to out Chad all Chads, the Alpha Male of the Alpha Males. If a woman were to look in his direction she would immediately orgasm. His jawline is a perfect 116 degrees. The absolute Chad to end all absolute Chads. Are you picking up what I'm putting down? Oh you're in a happy relationship with your girlfriend/wife? This man will kidnap her and give her the most severe case of stockholm syndrome that has ever been seen to man. Next to this superior human you will look like the weakest soy boy faggot in history. TL;DR: This man is an absolute Chad x100000.

"Look at that dude over there, now that’s a Taylor Aydelotte man." - Someone looking at an insanely manly man.

by TheRattatoulliMan May 30, 2022

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Taylor, Michigan

Taylor, Michigan is a suburb of Detroit located in the cluster of communities known as "Downriver" in Wayne County. Because of the alleged Southern roots of many of the city's residents, people of surrounding communities use the uninspired nickname "Taylortucky" to describe the city. In reality, the only part of Taylor that is seemingly exclusively redneck is the southwest corner. Other than that, the city is no different from any other middle-class American suburb. Due to the high population of solid Democrats, the city's population has been dropping since 1980 along with every other city in Wayne County. Although, at approximately 62,000, the city still houses more people than any other Downriver community. Other Downriver residents' contempt for Taylorites very well may be caused by the fact that Taylor is a larger scale city than the rest of Downriver (not only in population, but land area as well) and really the only significant one. Their contempt may also be caused by Taylor's poor school system which became flooded with residents of the highly ghetto city of Inkster years ago. Taylor is home to Southland Center, the only mall located Downriver, two golf courses, a large shopping district, a sportsplex, 5 grocery stores, a large city park known as Heritage Park, and many other fine establishments.

Taylor, Michigan might not be perfect (no city is), but it's still a nice place to live.

by ChrisIsMyName July 10, 2013

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Ryan Taylor

A pretty chill, very handsome, awesome bloke.

LOves Bagguette and chocolate cake anytime.

You wreck that hamburger Ryan Taylor.
Demolish that cake Ryan

by Dank Master 1235 February 12, 2018

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taylor thorn

A cunt who thinks she is all that. She bugs the "lower class" of society and thinks she is "all that and a bag of chips".

boy 1: Man that girl is such a egotistical bitch.
boy 2: Well she is a Taylor Thorn.
boy 1: That makes sence.

by what-you-should-listen-to May 13, 2015

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Taylor Swift

writes songs about her ex-boyfriends
old news

he got screwed over by Taylor swift

by rofl my waffle January 7, 2017

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Taylor Swift

Extremely pure cocaine.

My man has that Taylor Swift, it is pure white. No cuts, not fillers.

by AmosRex December 10, 2015

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jack taylor

Literally the best person on earth. He is a legend who is part Swedish and part English.

oi u kno that lad jack taylor? hes a proper geeza.

by JT ESKETTIT March 27, 2018

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