Point reached after an exhausting amount of text communication that never leads to a higher form of interaction, like speaking on the phone or making plans to meet in person. Often inspired by breadcrumbers. Term for succinctly defining your boundary without having to write annoying long messages pleading your case.
Brad the breadcrumber texts you for the 1 millionth time trying to continue his shenanigans.
Response: “I’m sorry Brad, I’ve reached max-text.”
Brad has no choice but to graduate from his fingerpad.
when your text app is broken or you have recently lost texting on your phone and call up a buddy to relay a two to three word message followed with hanging up immediately.
Jason- (to himself) Damn, my text app doesn't work again. No nevermind. (starts calling Frank).
Frank- (recieving call) Hey.
Jason- (says to Frank) What up mane? (hangs up)
Frank- (to himself) What the actual fuck? Jason and his text calling.
When you are walking and texting at the same time so a shuffle from side to side occurs.
dude quit doing the texting shuffel you keep stepping on me
Using text monikers such as LOL, OMG, ROFLMAO, and others during an actual conversation with another person
Janet: OMG, can you believe it? I mean LOL thats just too funny IMO
Karen: God, please stop Voice Texting me and use your real words
A text that instantly causes tension amongst a seemingly normal conversation. Typically between a man and woman, although it does not have to be sexually charged.
Her: Why didn't you call me this morning? TENSION TEXT!
the virtual record of daily experiences expressed in real time during the day via text, along with the actual day(s) & the disruptions to those day(s) created by said texting
During my text-day, I coined"text-days." I have a lot of descriptive neologisms in my texts from earlier text-days; maybe I'll add them to the dictionary, too.
like sleeping around through texting. often when a person has a boyfriend/girlfriend and they flirt with other people through texting. Also called textituting
kelsea was in a relationship and was sexually texting around with other boys