When you fuckin a dried out chick, you get a burn on your dick.
I fucked Melissa last night she was so dry! I got mad thrust burn today!
When a part that has an electronic serial number embedded in it and corresponding control software which requires recognition or a tying arrangement.
You must VIN Burn the moisture meter when replacing it in a combine.
the word people use but don’t actually know what it means
let’s just burn the dirt and go home
the one thing people say but don’t actually know what it means
honestly bro we should just burn the dirt and go on with our lives
When you fuck someone so hard the friction sets the pubes on fire
you gave me a burning bush johnathon!
A spooky creature that loves to dabble in the use of Valium, often seen around the links town area of Kirkcaldy or in her scheme of Cardenden. She is often seen with her jaw swinging and eyes pinging. Her breath as also been known to kill so please stay clear for your own safety.
OMG such a goner, CAITLIN BURNS. Oh gally g is that caitlin burns jaw??