When a man has a penis that sticks out no further than his belly button
I asked him if that was his belly button or his penis and he said it was his belly button penis
When a man pulls his penis out of a woman's vagina at the point of climax, and ejaculates his semen in a linear fashion along the woman's spine, giving the appearance that the woman has silver buttons all down her back.
I was doing my chick doggy-style last night, and I totally gave her a row of Silver Buttons!
the act of getting way to excited when doing something involving buttons, such as guitar hero when you get so worked up you don't even know where your fingers are going. This also happens when typing up heated instant messages or long paragraphs. it's like your fingers have turrets.
I know man I got too button happy and started pushing random ones without even looking
Weird half shirts that are extremely pointless and the person who made them is a little Rat-Licker and identifies as Enby because he his such a big scammer the only reason why u should where them is because either you never got your umbilici cord cut off, you want to be cold all the time or you want to get a good tan inside your belly button.
She has a weird belly button shirt
When you failed an incredibly easy task, very commonly used when you realise your own incompetence or are a condoment with red hair
I somehow missed that giant button over there. Thats what i call Den 10x10 großen Button fettfingern
clitoris - a real stand out meaty one .. easy to find.
She was great ... had a real mutton button ...
When an older guy has sex with a younger woman so much he starts becoming younger and she starts aging.
I Benjamin Buttoned this 22 year old chick the other day, now I’m feeling 25 again.