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Naruto vibes

A person that, even if you don't really know or care for them, still gives you the urge to help them, no matter what. The person naturally seems like they'd be a good friend, regardless of your position toward them.

Person 1: *Fell down and is in pain, but is silent.*

Person 2: *Rushes over to help them.*

Person 1: "Do I know you? Why would you help me?"

Person 2: "Dunno man, you're giving me Naruto vibes."

by HornyKangarooNutsOnYou January 20, 2020

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Binsenjo vibes

The feeling of something dangerously amazing happening or someone who feels like a mafia.

Oh my goodness! I swear, that guy keeps on giving me binsenjo vibes with his smile.

by ariettadove April 8, 2024

Judgmental Vibe Killer

Someone's wife. Usually yours.

Posting on instagram/tiktok because you're doing something envious, fun, or you're generally being a thirst trap will bring down the critical jealousy-forged hammer of a judgmental vibe killer who chastises you the minute you do it.

by LaSalle_Texas November 28, 2022

Fuck Vibe

A fuck vibe is a noun similar to a red flag, but instead of describing an issue, it’s describing the energy of the issue.
Deriving from “bad fucking vibe”, a fuck vibe can be used to describe someone who has a weird energy to them without any discernible reason, or a situation that is very awkward or tense.
If it’s used to describe how someone feels, it’s like having a bad feeling about something, or feeling disgusted.

Please note: the context is important, saying someone has a fuck vibe can mean 2 different things.

“I walked into class on the first day and the professor had a fuck vibe. I checked the syllabus and dropped the class immediately.”

“The way that everyone at work was talking to me was giving me a fuck vibe, something was up.”

by DrainOfArc January 25, 2025

Fuck Vibe

A fuck vibe is a noun that is similar to a red flag, but instead of describing an issue in someone, it’s describing the energy of that issue.
Derived from “bad fucking vibe”, a fuck vibe can describe someone who has something really off about them without any discernible reason, or a situation that feels very tense or uncomfortable.

It can also be used to describe how one feels, in place of “having a bad feeling”.

“I had to drop my professor because when I walked into class on the first day, he had such a fuck vibe.”

“I walked into the house and the way that everyone was talking to me was off and it gave me a fuck vibe, I knew something was up.”

by DrainOfArc January 25, 2025

vibe vision

The super human ability to see vibrations that emanate off of human beings, animals, plants, and other natural entities.

"Woah man... I can see your aura and all of the good vibrations resonating from your soul, out of your body... I think I've got vibe vision."

by DKron October 19, 2011

Vibe assassin

People that kill your vibe for no reason. Buzz killers. Kill joys. Hating ass muhfuckas.

Don’t invite Keith to the party he’s a fuckin vibe assassin. Always on bullshit.

by iamanthonydean June 9, 2023