A person that, even if you don't really know or care for them, still gives you the urge to help them, no matter what. The person naturally seems like they'd be a good friend, regardless of your position toward them.
Person 1: *Fell down and is in pain, but is silent.*
Person 2: *Rushes over to help them.*
Person 1: "Do I know you? Why would you help me?"
Person 2: "Dunno man, you're giving me Naruto vibes."
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The feeling of something dangerously amazing happening or someone who feels like a mafia.
Oh my goodness! I swear, that guy keeps on giving me binsenjo vibes with his smile.
Someone's wife. Usually yours.
Posting on instagram/tiktok because you're doing something envious, fun, or you're generally being a thirst trap will bring down the critical jealousy-forged hammer of a judgmental vibe killer who chastises you the minute you do it.
A fuck vibe is a noun similar to a red flag, but instead of describing an issue, it’s describing the energy of the issue.
Deriving from “bad fucking vibe”, a fuck vibe can be used to describe someone who has a weird energy to them without any discernible reason, or a situation that is very awkward or tense.
If it’s used to describe how someone feels, it’s like having a bad feeling about something, or feeling disgusted.
Please note: the context is important, saying someone has a fuck vibe can mean 2 different things.
“I walked into class on the first day and the professor had a fuck vibe. I checked the syllabus and dropped the class immediately.”
“The way that everyone at work was talking to me was giving me a fuck vibe, something was up.”
A fuck vibe is a noun that is similar to a red flag, but instead of describing an issue in someone, it’s describing the energy of that issue.
Derived from “bad fucking vibe”, a fuck vibe can describe someone who has something really off about them without any discernible reason, or a situation that feels very tense or uncomfortable.
It can also be used to describe how one feels, in place of “having a bad feeling”.
“I had to drop my professor because when I walked into class on the first day, he had such a fuck vibe.”
“I walked into the house and the way that everyone was talking to me was off and it gave me a fuck vibe, I knew something was up.”
The super human ability to see vibrations that emanate off of human beings, animals, plants, and other natural entities.
"Woah man... I can see your aura and all of the good vibrations resonating from your soul, out of your body... I think I've got vibe vision."
People that kill your vibe for no reason. Buzz killers. Kill joys. Hating ass muhfuckas.
Don’t invite Keith to the party he’s a fuckin vibe assassin. Always on bullshit.