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A play on words . While a bastard is a child born out of wedlock , a Bas-Turd is an unwanted or poorly timed bowel movement.This Bas-Turd lie its namesake is often not well received

I thought i had gas but it was a damn Bas-Turd.

No gas station and this Bad-Turd comes knocking.

by Dr Fred October 8, 2017

turd wannabes

Loosely held together feces that is too solid to be considered diarrhea yet too divided and "small-chunkish" to be considered a turd. These inferior poop chunks are notoriously known for the pain and uncomfortable feeling they give. Since they consist mainly of water and generally have low-poo density (see Type 5 and 6 on the Bristol Stool Scale) these "fluffy pieces with ragged edges" will definitely sour the remainder of the day. Being in relationships to alcohol, these chunks almost always making an appearance during a DADS. Worse yet, they are forever jealous of the their more popular turd brethren. They are turd wannabes.

My DADS this morning was awful; it consisted mostly of water, pizza, and turd wannabes.

by Idontfunkwithyou March 13, 2015

turd streaking

where you crap against a wall while running and leave a turd streak on the wall

look at that turd streaking guy.

by woodster4life March 12, 2009

turd serpent

When you take a huge dump that comes out in all one piece and shoots down the toilet drain with only a small fraction of the turd showing

Tom was horrified after he realized a turd serpent had came out of his anus and clogged the toilet.

by Turdserpentcreator November 30, 2014

Polished Turd

A old, beat down, overall crappy truck, modified with big rims and lifts to look cool despite to overall lackluster look of the rest of the vehicle, most commonly drive by highschool students in the south.

Evans 04’ Silverado is a real nice Polished Turd

by BubbaGumppy February 23, 2021

turd tennis

When two people line their assholes up facing
each other, and one poops into the others
asshole, and then the other person poops
right back into the first asshole, and this goes
back and forth for as long as they want.

Bob: "Me and this girl play turd tennis

by Yo_yo mom December 6, 2022

turd blaster

A person who spend a lot of time in the toilet at work

Person 1: "Hey where's the turd blaster again?"
Person 1: "He's turd blastin a shatapult"

by r3r3.omfg April 26, 2016