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Chicken for the boys

1. To receive or perform oral sex

1. Laura was a really sweet girl, but John had no idea that she was such a professional at giving chicken for the boys.

by Jay Money-stein February 3, 2010

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cold chicken

not cool, harsh

you suck.
that is cold chicken

by bartulio April 27, 2009

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Chicken McNublet

another one of the many ways of calling someone a noob. Its a spoof of Chicken McNuggets which is a chicken dish created by McDonalds. The phrase Chicken McNublet was first coined by Eric Harvey at a LAN party.

omfg 1 pwn3d j00 1n 73h f4c3 j00 ch1ck3n McNubl37!!!!

by Bearded Frog January 19, 2005

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cooking chickens

Getting coke ready for distribution

I'm cooking chickens for my nigga down the street

by uninspired lyricist7 March 3, 2014

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Chicken Joe

A person whoโ€™s fried like that chill ass Chicken Joe

Oh shit bro I got the munchies I was just Chicken Joe

by OliverKlozoff13 December 4, 2019

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Raw Chicken

1. To describe a pasty white girl, where the skin color resembles an uncooked chicken.

I love my women with major sex appeal , I'm not with the Raw chicken movement

by K.Moon January 1, 2018

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chicken fellacio

Cover your dick in glue and birdseed. Then have 20 chickens peck at your dick

Person 1: Cletus, is you still fuckin' yo sista?
Person 2: Nah man, I do that chicken Fellacio

by snakeeyes510 December 4, 2013

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