When a person/s gives a male oral sex but uses no tongue, lips, and/or gums, but only uses its teeth. The teeth scrap the penis until ejaculation from the pain. The person giving oral sex may eey-aww afterwards.
Austin received a Donkey Suckle from Caitlin and it wasn't even awkward afterwards.
A Democrat who says they stand with Ukraine, the president and the war against Putin, yet insists on staying safe at home, urging others to do the actual fighting and dying. A variant from Operation Yellow Elephant, a program devised by Jesus' General, to encourage attendees at The Young Republican National Convention to enlist in the military back in the 2000's. See OperationYellowElephant.com
The Yellow Donkey feels smug about anyone not wanting Ukraine's people to be slaughtered in a senseless war, and views peace activists as "Putin Puppets", "Trump Supporters", or "Racist". The Yellow Donkey supports their President as the president sabotages peace talks over and over again. The "Yellow Donkey" believes its perfectly moral to cheerlead a war against Russia, as long as anybody else but them has to die in that war.
"Why should I have to fight in Ukraine? Putin is the one who invaded". And with that, the Yellow Donkey sipped his ten dollar latte, mean tweeted slurs against peace activists while virtue signaling to the world with his "I stand with Ukraine" shirt with matching Blue and Yellow slacks, that he is a tough guy standing for justice.
A zebra.
Did you know a zebra can kick a lion to death?
Damn prison donkeys...
A chick that is know for giving head to just about anyone
She's a gobble donkey, dude. All my boys got head from her.
A white dude that's hung like a donkey.
John Holmes was a honky donk donkey honky.
Person 1: Should we penetrate that donkey asshole?
Person 2: no, we should rape it
Person 3: Will our kids be centaurs?
Person 2: yes
Everyone: Cheers with happiness and joy because the get to rape a donkey asshole