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Peter Griffin-it

Peter Griffin-it (v)

When you have to lift your low-hanging stomach fat to see your genitals, can be used for any gender. Word originates from Peter Griffin from the television show "Family Guy" having to do this act in order to see his genitials.

Wife: "Tom, do you have an erection?".
Husband: "Im not sure, lemme Peter Griffin-it.

by Arizona Concept August 9, 2016

Peter Doocey

Synonym for Santorum.

While doing laundry Mary noticed there was peter doocey in her husband's underwear.

by Peter Piper Pecker April 5, 2022

peter vision

Peter vision is when you take a tab of LSD and Smoke Meth at the same time causeing you so see naked dragons, get a boner that dosent go away, extreamly horny, and you to belive youre the protectores of the dragons and you must reproduce with them to save the dragon race but in reality youre just fucking a pile of trashbags or a small dog.

Yo this guy outside of walmart has peter vision hes screaming hes sees naked dragons running around with a boner

by The big mamma t November 12, 2021

Peter Krog


That kid is weird because he is Peter Krog

by Monkey Smasher (Sexually) November 12, 2021

Agent peters

Agent peters is an antagonist and the hottest man in the spy ninjas, his appearance is odd but cute, orange mask, gingerish brown hair, beard and sunglasses, deep voice works at the chicken shack,
He wears and orange apron with a black t shirt , orange or black pants and white sneakers, although his other appearances were way different, one being a black jacket, black pants and shirt, hood up and a hacker mask with sunglasses, one being the same but red shirt, blue jacket black pants (or tights be it sometime looks like it ) one being a normal FBI agentwith the hat, dark blue mask with sunglasses, but then it was a chef, white buttoned coat, black pants chef hat blablabla, bandanna that I cannot describe, never shows his face ever, but I still love this man sm,
Age 37/38 btw uwuuwu

Ooh I wish agent Peters would hug mee

by Big sweaty balls May 9, 2023

Peter O’Donnell

Peter O’Donnell is a mix of a lot of different things. For an example: extremely irritating, very weird, compulsive liar, rude, also the most gullible human to walk the earth.

If you ever want to insult someone just call them Peter. It’s very offensive in my own personal opinion.

Stay away from Peter O’Donnells or else you’ll have bad luck for 12 years😳

Kaela: *does absolutely anything.
Peter O’Donnell: omg SLUT

by Kaela🥰 May 22, 2020

Peter mixup

Doing smt that someone will do before they do it to avoid their consequences .

Pints: Maybe I should block oily to avoid him from blocking me
I called that the peter mixup

by <3 Dany <3 September 5, 2019