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Hacky Sack

-=I've moved my definition from hackysack to hacky sack

The most fun, yet most addicting school time game.

Usally played with 7-10 people in a circle. There are many game types. Here are a few:

Elimination -

When the people stand in a circle, and the sack is kicked, if you miss the sack (other than on a serve) you are out. If the sack hits the middle or "no mans land" nobody is out. When there are 2 people left, the first person to get eliminated holds the sack, both players touch it, and the sack is thrown up. After throwing up, whoever misses the sack first/hits a bad hit is out.

FreeStyle -

When a group of friends kick to each other, and play sack. No rules, just kicking.

Sacked -

Everyone in the circle kicks the sack once, then passes it to someone else. If the sack hits the ground, or the same person twice before everyone has kicked it, you lose. Every 1 sack is when everyone in the circle hits the hackey sack once.

ShowOff -

No rules - friends kick to eachother showing off their best moves, i.e. Jester, otr, high top, russian jesters.. etc etc.


(2)FreeStyle - Pass the hacky sack here kris, oh wow you failed.

(3)Sacked - Damn, we got 7 sacks there before mario miss kicked the hackey sack.

(4)ShowOff - HOLY SHIT, he just tripple russian jestered into that hacky sack into an otr!

by The Sack Master September 22, 2009

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nut sack

Where your nuts go

Your girl licked my nut sack last night fool, made me jizz.

by POPE August 17, 2003

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sack rolling

grabbing the scrotum with your index and middle finger and rotating your hand like a winch without letting go

Pledges at a local college were intiuated into a frat house by getting a sack rolling.

by Dustin Parris November 20, 2006

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sack o'nuts

Synonym for bag o'balls

I woke up with my dad's sack o'nuts in my mouth.

by geigo April 23, 2003

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Ball Sack

(verb) The act of chugging your drink on command. When someone yells ball sack at you, you must comply by immediately finishing the rest of your drink.

Kathleen ball sacked Jess when she noticed Jess was nursing her drink.

Jess was ready for another round so she ball sacked her friends that had not yet finished their drinks.

by Thunder C. July 9, 2010

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Tacky Sack

The wrinkled skin that contains the testicles.

I dropped my tacky sack on shermans phone reciever.

by Suspence and MIS GANG October 1, 2004

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sack of wine

Sack of Wine is another way of calling someone a twat or retard!
Word originates from the film Troy, Brad pitt uses this word towards a soldier

U Sack of wine, Why Did you do that?

by Greg November 23, 2004

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