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the coolest man on earth to exist in the world pls date even he loves you hotty

evan is sooooooooo hotttttttt

by odium deus February 16, 2022


Evan (eh Vuhn) adj.

The act of doing something wrong or being a complete pain In the ass , playing the victim , stealing and lying

John hurt Stacey's feelings and in response Stacey's told john " ohh gosh you are such an evan"

by Zick Zoggity August 13, 2024


Fun nice guy really intelligent a girl magnet had short brown hair and brown eyes he’s really fun and cute

Girl 1:hey did you see that boy girl 2:yes he’s my crush. Girl 1: how did you meet him girl 2: I met evan in kindergarten and I have been in school with him for 8yrs both girls :damn he’s cute

by Cats rules March 11, 2019


Evan cares about other people more then he cares about himself he is smart,hot af,and caring. He loves to play sports and he is really good at pretty much every sport . He won’t brake a promise and will respect you .

Evan just made me really happy and made my whole day better.

by That background girl September 17, 2018


He love his friends even when they tease him, but will do anything for his girlfriend

I wish I was Evan

by <3 my friends March 13, 2020


Guy with humongous penis

Woah Evan got big penis

by Socraycray November 23, 2021


He is the best person u will ever meet.He is smart,cute nd he has a bright smile that gives u courage.He is a real friend ,always here for u.U actually love nd hate him in the same time.Good luck if u have one in ur life.U actually have good luck.

Evan is the soulmate u need ,no matter what

by Justatiredmonster November 20, 2021