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Back of the line

When someone claims they are doing/ have done, something embarrassing, original and or a bit sketchy and you know a lot of people that have previously done this. (Including yourself) say back of the line to let them know they are not the first.

“Last night I got so drunk I lost a shoe and didn’t notice until I was walking home!”
Reply “Back of the line buddy”

by Lueisms August 24, 2022

3👍 2👎

Ride back

A new term for doggie style.

Yo. He be doing dat ride back on me like dat.

by Lilteetz March 2, 2021


When someone's ass is so big, their ass comprises a majority of their back.

Juanita how you sit down with that ass-back ?

by Taltsuska February 18, 2016

Back swipe

To have sex with someone you previously had sex with (no matter the time passed)

I had to back swipe with Desire’!
So did you back swipe your ex?!?

by DJ904 April 5, 2019


Wearing a frat or preppy hat backwards.

Look at that douche with his frat-back.

by Cmaples18 January 19, 2016

back tassles

hanging hemorrhoids

My back tassles are really painful

by BiggBaz January 18, 2013


A lower back disorder, that makes you walk like your ass is attached to your shoulder.

Hey, did you see Tony, he's got a serious case of "deak back."

by dcoin February 27, 2009