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the word that was very famous last 2016. A sacred gesture on which a person reflexes his arm to the side alongside the other. Some people count a dab as an offensive gesture while others think its a fun way to express joy. another meaning of dab is to place a napkin or other fabric to the edges of the mouth gently.

(1st Definition): Man last 2016, we used to dab a ton of times.

(2nd Definition): Her mouth got dirty so she needs to dab the dirt.

by sUbTomAtTiErObLoXpLz.sPoNsOrMe December 1, 2020


Dumb Ass Bitch!

Lemme do a dab on those DAB!
You don't get me?

If you don't, ur just DAB!

by 5krt_R0gué November 1, 2020


hand movement

Look at my dab son

by Ay13y2n November 15, 2017


dab can be used as a dance or a word like


random girl:what kind of animal is the pink panther
random girl 2: the pink panther is a panther dab...

by laylabitch August 27, 2018


A dance that has been ruined and is just cringe,

Guy1:"what did bob just do?" Guy2:"oh he dabbed"

by Uniswagdab May 5, 2018


Drunk Ass Bitch

Omg did you see Ellie last night? She was such a Dab

by Dabexpert April 15, 2018


A word that has lost all power throughout time, it used to be popular in late 2018 to 2019. It was later outcasted by DanTDM when he created the dab police, which died out even quicker than the dab itself.

Callum: “Yo broski heard of that rad dab
Daniel: “What the fuck it’s 2021”

by pissdrinking101 March 28, 2021