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Half dome activities

A phenomenon that occurs at UCMerced that describes the rampant sex and cheating that goes on at the Half Dome building on campus.

Damn bro my girl and I broke up and she lives in half dome.

Damn, you know she’s up to some half dome activities.

by William Bakespeared April 1, 2022


when you hear that crackle and get dat face...you know it

like when your girl turns to you and says, "b im domed as fuuck"

by reatardhoe August 16, 2018


when you are walking (on the sidewalk) and get hit by a scooter/moving object

Max got domed by a Lime scooter on the way to class and got a concussion

by cookies69696969 April 29, 2022


completely annihilating somebody's skull in siege they will not be able to recover after getting their hopes and dreams crushed

also known as headshot
or forehead fucking

level 369 thatcher: I just (domed) that level 12 kapkan from 500 metres away with my black ice ar33
level 269 ash: put that filthy (communist) where he belongs

by yellowbucket July 1, 2020


Adjective- the state of an intense head-rush, typically from nicotine

*takes hit* “Damn bro, Im fucking domed right now

by Randomshi69 March 8, 2020


Slapping someone in the head with your dick

I accidentally domed God

by Bigglesmigglesthefiggles June 24, 2019


In reference to a domed-tip pellet ammo type for an airgun ranged from .177 to .30 caliber. Known to be highly accurate, silent and deadly. This could also be used as a double entendre as saying you directly hit the cranium or head of a live target quickly and cleanly.

I just Domed that nigga real clean.

by Keeferd January 9, 2020