i hate myself omg myspace hot topic tumblr (emo)
im so emo lol i shop at hot topic and cut myself.
An emotionally unstable person. They don't have to wear black or cut themselves. Those are just stereotypes. They can be your next store neighbor and you would probably never know. Mostly, they are emo, because of bipolar issues and nothing seems to make them happy. Even Marilyn Monroe was emo.
That girl must be emo, because she always looks so sad. (I don't know, I had to fill in the example!)
Emo is a lifestyle widely spread in the world.
Around 86.2% of the people in the world are currently emo's.
Emo's think's that everyone has equal value (They mean it's zero)
(You just lost your dignity) <- WoW you're an emo!
A guy/girl who says they're "different" and if you say they're "wierd" they'll tell you your not "wierd enough"
Too many today, it used to be a thing only a small ammount of people did, now you can see some kids as young as 10 getting in on the act.
They often sound the same when justifying themselves aswell, (see below).
Bob:...emo *looks at the emo wierdly..*
EmoBob: I'M NOT EMO, IM MY OWN PERSON!!! *Cries*
Look at 2007 Pete Wentz. That is the real, and true definition of emo.
"Who's that guy with the eyeliner who plays bass?"
"Oh, him? He's Pete Wentz. He's like, the emo king."