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how did we get here

Do you have 90 minutes?

You: β€œhow did we get here?”
Me: β€œdO YoU HaVe 90 MiNuTeS?”

by LafayetteLoverπŸ’• May 31, 2019

956πŸ‘ 8πŸ‘Ž

Benjamin makaio ho tsing howe

a unfresh headass

person 1:"look at that unfresh headass"

person 2:"that must be a benjamin makaio ho tsing howe

by don congdon February 20, 2019

318πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

how did we get here


guy:how did we get here


by 90 mins February 6, 2020

48πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

How did we get here?

Do you have 90 minutes?!
Then come on down to the Jacksepticeye How Did We Get Here tour.

*Wakes up in field*

β€œHow did we get here?”

by ArsenalFan57 January 20, 2020

124πŸ‘ 6πŸ‘Ž

how you coming

Gang related lol

Gang banger: How you coming Twin
Twin: Shit

by Cheeseburgerman223 February 2, 2023

3πŸ‘ 23πŸ‘Ž

How mad are you right now?

A taunt used to shame and further infuriate an already disturbed individual. Often used in the gaming world but can be applied in many situations. A variation of "you mad bro?" The phrase is used to incense the victim into a state of unmitigated rage and/or anti-social behavior. Best served with a subdued or amiable tone. Can be repeated until victim reaches desired state of emotional turmoil.

*John loses at Madden due to a fumble at the goal line*
Chris: How mad are you right now?
John: Pretty mad. Lamar Jackson never fumbles!
Chris: But how mad are you right now?
John: *primal scream*

by zeropersonality March 13, 2020

How does 'get fucked' sound?

A sarcastic expression used to indicate a persons lack of desire to do something.

Mother: Son, why don't you go and do your homework?
Son: Mum, how does 'get fucked' sound!?

Smart person 1: Hey man, let's go to that Miley Cyrus gig!
Smart person 2: Hey man, how does 'get fucked' sound?
Smart person 1: haha, yeah true dat.

by smarter than your mum November 15, 2008

375πŸ‘ 30πŸ‘Ž