Source Code

Do work

Used to describe the progress you make with your new girl

"Yo what are you doing tonight bro"
"I am about to kick it with that dimer i met last night"
" Thatta boy, do work son"

by amass May 25, 2010

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Doin Work

When someone masterbates at there work place.

Man, I was so bored today at my job I took 15 and straight up started doin work in the cleaning closet.

by Kansas City Shuffle January 28, 2009

9๐Ÿ‘ 34๐Ÿ‘Ž

do work

what happens when you leave 3+ full bottle of alcohol with 2 guys for a weekend. When you wander aimlessly around campus, pass out and wake up several hours later with UDI, and your dorm room is trashed..

dan: wtf theres chippys everywhere, the fan is broke in half, and my box is broke, my foot feels like its broke.
jay: idk wtf happened, my foot feels like its broke and i have a bunch of scratches everywhere.
jay: thats how you do work.

dan "after drinkin almost 3/4th's a bottle of brandy and having some nasty ass sandwich" comes back from the bathroom, then collapses on his bed.. "5 mins later" starts throwin up against then wall... few mins later falls off the bed about 4ft to the ground, hits his head on a storage crate and rolls around on the floor.
jay: dan are you alive?
dan: dont worry im doin work.
jay: o ok your alive.

by jay aka hunch February 24, 2008

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Work City

1. Where you belong after a serious beating in any sort of competition (sports, video games, etc.)

2. Where losers live

Where the Colorado Rockies were sent after being beaten by the Red Socks.

After losing to the Florida Gators in the Basketball and Football NCAA championships, Ohio State sadly returned to their new permanent residence - Work City

After beating somebody in something competitive you could say to them "Whats the weather like in work city?"

by Jolly Red Giant October 31, 2007

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Work humping

When the two people at work hover each other all day

Hey can they answer that phone
No there work humping

by Speedy1977 October 5, 2011

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while at his place of employment a man has a less physically apt subordinate employee that is just as needy of his time, resources, and energy as is his wife at home.

a non-sexual relationship where an employee relies on his boss for multiple aspects of assistance while at work and sometimes beyond. often results in physical acts of assistance such as lifting heavy objects, opening tough jar lids, and in lengthy sessions of advice or guidance.

Employee: "Hey Boss, can you separate these parts for me? They're really stuck together, and I can't get them apart."

Boss...loosens parts and hands back to employee: "Here you go."

Other employee: "What's that all about, Boss?"

Boss: "Oh, I have to open things like that all the time for him. It's like he's my work-wife."

by thehomewife March 24, 2010

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microsoft works

an incredible writing program that comes with many computers and is 1000 times better than Microsoft word.

For example, unlike rip-off Word, Microsoft Works has a dictionary=D

by uknoieatwatamel0n October 30, 2007

21๐Ÿ‘ 101๐Ÿ‘Ž