A term used by people to justify actions or slang they use (which may be considered offensive or socially embarrassing) as being used to sarcastically make fun of people who do these things in full sincerity.
Secretly, they're serious about it too though.
James: Dude, stop saying cringe. That stopped being funny years ago.
Andrew: No dude it's ok, I say it ironically.
A masturbation method in which a female will wrap their hand in metal foil and proceed to fist themselves until orgasm.
My girl said she tried the iron fist yesterday, she's been bleeding since
An intercut technique performed by the best of the best players on GTA V Online in the Titan aircraft where they fly directly up in the air and stall the plane to create a wall type structure to outplay enemy griefers who are often in Hydras or Lazers
"Theres a hydra coming, quick use Titan Iron Body technique
Originates from tough blue collar people working in the steel construction industry. Banging iron means to be doing back breakingly hard work with steel. Welding, cutting, fitting etc...
I’ve been banging iron out here in this yard for 22 years.
Speculated to be the next installment in the Call of Duty series following COD Modern Warfare 3. It is also speculated that Treyarc is playing some sort of role in the development of the game,, may it be campaign, multiplayer, or zombie mode, At this point, not much is know about this game. There are several screenshots from XBL floating around the internet of people engaging in a TDM in a game titled Iron Wolf
I wounder who will be developing the multiplayer portion of Project Iron Wolf
He placed his barrel-iron between the teeth and aimed at the roof of his mouth and shot.
The operation performed by a wife who is waiting in the driveway for her husband with either a glof club or a similar such item after she discovered he has been skanking around with some bimbo. (Ala Tiger Woods wife).
Office guy #1 Did you see Joe's car and Joe's face? What the hell happend did he get into a wreck ?
Guy #2. No his wife found out about Destiny and was waiting for him when he got home. As soon as he pulled into the driveway his wife performed a nine iron rescue.