Source Code

Killing Orphans

A euphemism for sex, which is handy if you want to speak in code or around people your age who accept killing orphans as a legitimate pastime. It is also useful because of its broad applications and versatility, the speed of sex, the speed of the orphan killings, the type of sex, stabbing, shooting or probing, etc., etc.

Killing Orphans: A euphemism or code for sex, used to talk about various sex stuff while people are around
(to friend when people are around): Oh boy I can't wait to kill some orphans tonight...
(talking about someones sexual exploits in code): Did you hear about Brennan? he killed before and he is planning to kill again!!

by qwertyuippoiuytrewq February 12, 2022

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Killing the OJ

A politically correct and HR-approved term for masturbating.

"Yesterday when I got home from work I thought I had a few hours before the old lady got home. I was mistaken, and I got caught Killing the OJ. Now my hand is the only action I'll see for a week."

by Gladmiral Nelson June 24, 2015

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tomcat killing

Killing off your girlfriend or wife's offspring from a previous relationship. Named after the tendency of various male felines who show similar habits.

He said he forgot the baby was in the car when he parked it at work, but people are wondering if it was really a tomcat killing.

by oofy stills March 11, 2014

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kill mongler

1. n. A team-killer (TKer) who kills everyone on their team at the same time every round.

I hate that god damned kill mongler!!

by Concerned Citizen September 19, 2003

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kill bill

slang term for good pot

that shits some kill bill

by pvtspeir March 12, 2009

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Camp Kill

consists of three band members. A bass player, a guitar player, and a drummer. this band will be at the to of the charts by 2008.

Camp Kill can be the next Slipknot

by justin armstrong May 3, 2005

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Insta Kill

More dangerous than a kill.this type of kill wont even let your brain process your dieing or the pain.before you can even say a word or blink your eye,or a spec of dust lands on your shitty furniture.you are dead.

Kevin - Did you hear of that old lady across the street?

Devon - Yeah.Insta kill.

by Dottor_converse February 19, 2009

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