Source Code


A strategy in gaming where a player seeks to optimize one objective while intentionally neglecting another.

"Solution of Multi-objective Min-Max and Max-Min Games by Evolution"
Gideon Avigad, Erella Eisenstadt & Valery Y. Glizer

Conference paper, Part of the Lecture Notes in Computer Science book series (LNTCS,volume 7811)
(search "avigad solution multi-objective min-max games evolution")

In order to win this game I have to min-max getting to the treasure while simultaneously avoiding my pursuer.

by cj.urbandic_ June 5, 2023

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max cool

A phrase used quiet frequently by surfers, beach bums, cool dudes, school drop outs etc. For ones excitement over something that is not cool but max cool! max being short for maximum.

hey dude surfing is max cool.

by pothead bob21 February 24, 2011

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max power

Magazine available in the UK which encourages the activities of "riceboys" and shows pictures of cheap, small engined hatchback cars with tacky and tasteless modifications.

"yeah, mate. I spray painted the bumpers yesterday and put a max power sticker on it, now my car goes 10mph faster, honest"

by Booga December 15, 2003

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Brandon Max

A person that is gay in all ways, and he thinks he is the funny one in the group but actually is the really annoying person.

Man I hate Brandon Max

by TikTok Stars June 9, 2020

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Taking hax to the power of max. This results in a lot of "hax." Originated a while ago at Denny's after a LAN tournament. Coined by yours truly.

HAHAHAHAH, we totally haxed them to the max.

by Hiva November 28, 2004

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Phrase Carlo uses around his friends. Tells how much input you put into a certain subject

Lester is fat to da max
Randy is gay to da max
Willie is black to da max

by lol December 28, 2004

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max miller

Absolute fucking legend , will get all the pussy and steal your girl ;)

Oh if only I could be like "Max Miller"

by Max Miller February 22, 2017

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