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hoe hour

The hour between 11 and midnight when that sptinkle of hoe comes out

Nick,You have work tomorrow why aren't you sleeping it's late?

"I can wait a little longer its hoe hour and Angela just text"

by Zueswouldnever October 2, 2017

hoe moment

When a normally sexually responsive female acts like a hoe but only for a moment

Wow Mariah had such a hoe moment at that party.. Did you see her?

by Bitchtits September 4, 2015

hoe potential

One who has whorish thoughts but NOT the time, money, energy, or patience.

I may have HOE POTENTIAL but I just don't have the time.

by LadiLicker December 16, 2011

Hoe Paint

The make-up that is left on your clothes from a female stripper, after a close table dance or VIP lap dance.

After leaving the club, Bob noticed his jeans were covered in hoe paint from his favorite stripper Lexus.

by Inhotwater May 25, 2006


I female who goes to a bar and instead of buying her own drinks she preys on men to buy them for her and then once she receives the drink she bounces out never to be seen again! These women normally have enough in their own bank accounts, yet take advantage of the dumb male.

"Oh snap, that Mohit-hoe is heading for the bar, hide your wallets!"

by R1K1 December 9, 2009

Homeschool Hoe

A homeschool girl who flirts and leads on every guy right up to the point of doing anything sexual then moves on.

That girl Felicia is just going around flirting with every guy in the CO-OP then leaving them, what a homeschool hoe!

by ZeroAlkaline March 22, 2020

Hoe Terms

A HOE TERM: Any word or phrase used in a sentence or as an expression where the meaning can be interpreted loosely, as loose as a hookers vagina.

Cousin 1: So, I know you've had some slight misfortunes or small mishaps in your life, I mean really, if I didn't know you or witness half of this shit, I'd think someone was making all these tiny infractions. I'd hate to see what happens if you had a big tragedy.

Me: SMALL MISHAPS?? TINY INFRACTIONS?? SLIGHT MISFORTUNES?!!! These are HOE TERMS!!! How many tiny infractions and small mishaps do I actually need to have before its considered a TRAGEDY?!!My whole adult life thus far is a big ass tragedy!! I've got more series of unfortunate events than Lemony Snicket!!!!



Girl 1: Hey, who's that girl in the picture with you??
Girl 2: Oh, I guess you can call her my "friend"
Girl 1: That's not the crazy bitch who told you your shoes were ugly then 2 days later she came to work with the same ones on??
Girl 2: Yea, I say friend "Loosely" she's crazy
Girl 1: Ahh, Hoe Term.

Ex. 2
Her: Life is what you make it, you can't live your life as aPessimist, looking at the glass as only half empty! When life gives you lemons, MAKE LEMONADE!!

Me: OH SHUT THE HELL UP!! LIfe sucks!! You know it sucks! I just lost my job!! How about you try being unemployed for a while you dick! And you suck too for trying to sugar coat it with HOE TERMS!!

by Dark Muse September 21, 2011