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low key italian

A guy from Italian decent, has the food, family values, the good hair, good looks, and the romance. A low key Italian is the perfect guy because they don't have the many girlfriends, they want a relationship, and he knows how to treat a woman.

You should definitely go out with him! He's a low key Italian!

by Heyitskk August 11, 2017

Fear of low battery

FOLB - Always worrying that you don't have enough power left in your cell phone battery

I spend 1/2 my life talking on my phone and the other 1/2 with a fear of low battery

by Philly Hockey Player August 4, 2022

low cut shit

When on a golf course, you hit a shot, usually off the tee, which sounds perfect, but travels airborne at a very low trajectory, typically going 50-150 yards.

I'm not sure what's wrong with my game. These shots I hit sound and feel good, but I keep hitting this low cut shit down the fairway.

He's an okay golfer, but could be a lot better, because he always hits a bunch of low cut shit.

by crazylegsdave April 6, 2014

Low Key Dead

The stage in between drunk and blacked out. Also may be used to refer to waking up hungover/slightly drunk.

After Alli finished the game of flip cup she said aloud "I'm low key dead...".

by Chadder May 9, 2017

whiney low vote

Someone who doesn't vote but will always complain about the president, without knowing anything about the president.

John: ugh I hate the new president, I heard he has 8 fingers
Bill: stop being such a whiney low vote

by Ignorantlifehacks January 16, 2017

Low nigga gone

The low nigga go that lost his mind .

Low nigga go pulled his penis out in public , that’s when we know low nigga gone !

by Puterway May 4, 2022

Low class bop

Someone who can’t use bop to show they expressions. They generally just suck. This term is very negative. Was created in Lancaster by a black dude.

You’re a real low class bop shut up.

by DAGGERDICK69 June 27, 2019