Source Code

I'm a 20-something Hispanic man who has uncontrollable lust for women who spend over 100 dollars on collecting waifus and hours and realized that he can't collect a certain waifu due to random number generator

Translates to I'm Josie, and 100 dollars is an understatement.

I'm a 20-something Hispanic man who has uncontrollable lust for women who spend over 100 dollars on collecting waifus and hours and realized that he can't collect a certain waifu due to random number generator is something you wouldn't say on a first date.

by ManHandle669969 April 17, 2017

15👍 3👎


The number on a horses hoof in a burning witch fire.

Burning horses hoof numbers is illigal in a witch fire.

by VINCENT JOHNSON October 23, 2007

Maycock's number

10 to the power of 5931927818127173761112

10 to the power of 5931927818127173761112 = Maycock's number

by bonkoo March 29, 2024

Maycock's number

10 to the power of 5931927818127173761112

teacher: 10 to the power of 5931927818127173761112 =
student: Maycock's number
teacher: impossible

by bonkoo March 29, 2024

Number 7

student watches PORN and gets NæKED

Number 7: I really hate minorities
tom: me too

by kiddydiddler April 6, 2021


during a sexual experience,when one defecates upon another's bald scalp, creating the illusion of a prefessionally purchased toupe'

His number-toupe' looked better than if he used rogaine.

by ryan daugherty November 17, 2007

working numbers

It’s when someone/something lives in your head rent free and makes you overly question them or the thing very deeply.
It really affects you more so in the emotional aspect but can and usually also affects your physical self in some degree.

It’s more times than not one sided it’s usually just you dealing with the situation in this way and not the other person but that’s not always the case.

When someone does this to another person it sometimes happens because that person has the upper hand and is taking advantage/manipulating the scenario.
You’re really letting something get to you when it shouldn’t be to the amount that you’re letting it.

Guy: This girl is playing hard to get and she doesn’t seem to care about what I’m doing or isn’t very invested in what we have, she’s so nonchalant. So that makes me super interested in her because she’s not giving me the attention that I want. Like I want her to show me that she gives a fuck about me. And her doing this just makes me want her more. I’m thinking about every move she makes. And how I can get her to show me an ounce of jealousy or have her prove in some way that she feels something towards me.

Girl: It’s lookin’ like reverse psychology is working numbers on you.

by criesinsagvenus January 27, 2024