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Pulling a kayla

When randomly you drool all over yourself.

Kayla and Bob are standing talking, but when bob looks at Kayla and she drools all over herself he shouts =o "Your pulling a KAYLA!'

by Dottie.G13 January 4, 2012

37πŸ‘ 7πŸ‘Ž

Pulled a Franklin

Impromptu decision to walk out on a job or event at the last minute or without giving any notice.

A. "Did you hear about Jim? He got fed up at work and just walked out."
B. "I know. He totally pulled a Franklin."

A. "I feel bad for Jennie. Her fiance just walked out of their marriage ceremony and left her standing at the altar."
B. "Wow! He didn't strike me as the type to pull a Franklin."

by SabreFreek October 15, 2010

48πŸ‘ 10πŸ‘Ž

Pull a Palin

To "get back to someone" when you do not know the answer to the question someone has asked you.

person 1 "Global warming is a hoax"
person 2 "Do you have any proof?"
person 1 "I'm gonna pull a palin and get back to you on that one"

by Hansmgee May 20, 2009

54πŸ‘ 12πŸ‘Ž

Pulling a Rozin

The act of falling asleep immediately before engaging in vigorous sexual activities. Common causes include, whiskey dick, discovering that your sexual mate is under age, or just being too much of a bitch to pursue the female/male.

"God, my pussy was so wet but that bastard had to "pull a rozin"" - Taylor

"Man I was trying to give him this bomb ass pussy but he had to pass out, I hate it when he ends up "Pulling a Rozin"" - Emma

by TehMilkyOne August 4, 2015

17πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

Pull a Melanie

It means to back away from a kiss or say you don’t know how to kiss in the moment

A: *goes for a kiss*
M: *backs away*
A: β€œdid u really have to Pull a melanie

by Unknown_girl_666 September 19, 2018

16πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

pulling a gabe

To put forth a long list of excuses after loosing a game of table tennis.

Stop it with the excuses man, you're "pulling a gabe"

by Mike Beardman September 1, 2014

17πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž

pull a jesus

A term used to describe something resurrecting itself. This is especially applied to electronics, as they seem to be found doing this the most often, though it can be applied to anything.

My digital camera stopped working. Unless it decides to pull a jesus again, I think I need a new one.

by Jessica June 6, 2005

43πŸ‘ 9πŸ‘Ž